The Chromecast may not meet the standards with that of Android
TV gaming, but here are some options you may want to check out for yourself.
These games are nearly all family-friendly and designed for group playing,
which is a great idea for those hangout nights with your family or friends.
Scribble Blitz is a
great adaptation of the classic word-making game. It's a fast-paced game and
you have to form as many words as you can from your block of letters. If ever
you don't like the batch of blocks you were dealt, you can shake your phone for
a new batch. Since it's a play off of the traditional board game, some letters
will have double letter or word point value if you use them during the game
Scribble Blitz can be
downloaded for free in the Google Play store.
well configured play for Chromecast is Connect 4 Quads.
Up to four players can join using their phones to drop the virtual checker
pieces onto the virtual game structure. You can use gestures to swipe, rotate,
or direct the pieces into specific slots on the gameboard.
You can still play this
even if you're going solo, trying to outdo yourself each time by coming up with
the highest score. Enjoy this smooth and lag-free game by downloading it from
Google Play for free.
Emoji Party is definitely a party game for the big screen. Compete with your
friends using your phone in a funny battle for points. Guess movie titles based
on emoji pictures, use action cards to fight your friends, be fast and you'll
surely win this game.
Emoji Play is a fun
choice you can share with everybody. It throws in a good competitive element by
letting you zap other players with cards that slow their progress. This game
can also be downloaded for free from Google Play.
Just Dance was a trending choice on the Wii, and it makes a pretty good
transition to the Chromecast. Launching the game for the first time may take a
while, since it will need to download a playlist of 97 different songs.
The game is similar to
what it was known to be -- you mimic a translucent dancing figure to rack up
points. Your phone's accelerometer tracks you along the way, rewarding you for
getting down.
If you enjoy the game
with the full song library but don't want the commercials, you can purchase a
VIP pass as an in-app purchase. The rates though are quite expensive: $0.99 for
an hour, $1.99 for two hours or $54.99 for a year. Because of that, we suggest
you to skip the upgrade and just put up the commercials.
As a
Space Invaders knockoff, Alien Invaders is
played by controlling the spaceship with your phone, moving it to the left or
to the right using the middle button to blast the aliens. The game is pretty
easy at the beginning, but as you reach round 10 there's an almost indefensible
armada of aliens to shoot down. The best odds are if you gather as many players
as possible to form a stronger defense line.
This game is also free on
the Google Play store.
Similar to Scrabble,
Hasbro has scaled down its popular real estate game for Chromecast. Both iOS
and Android users can play, which involves a mixture of Monopoly and a Go
Fish-style element of trying to guess other player's cards.
Once you collect an
entire collection of cards from the same real estate group, you can then build
houses and start collecting rent. If you're playing against the computer, be
patient as the back-and-forth jockeying can drag on sometimes.